Thought Provoking Consulting3 minSurvival to success: retail’s challenges and opportunitiesFollowing a pandemic that has left clear scars on the industry, retail faces yet more challenges as the economic landscape continues to...
Richard Hyman2 minInflation – a growing retail headacheThe latest ONS data confirms that inflation has some way to go yet before peaking. This issue has become the major preoccupation of...
Thought Provoking Consulting3 minHow 3D Digital Innovation is Streamlining Supply Chain Processes Within the Fashion IndustryRetail is becoming a progressively less profitable business. With tightening margins, the need to focus and streamline operating models...
Thought Provoking Consulting2 minDemanding good stock allocation While Covid has impacted most aspects of life, non-essential retail has especially struggled having faced months of store closures....